It was a pleasant autumn afternoon with no big plans until a dear friend asked me if I was available to accompany her to a reading by author Johannes Hartl. I readily accepted … [Read more...]
7 Fundamental Rules for a Successful Partner Search
In today’s society, more and more people are living the single life. While marriage and family are still desired (and many singles are still seeking partners), in a lot of … [Read more...]
Ten Helpful Rules for Better Prayer
We all need to pray. Prayer is to the life of the spirit what breath is to the life of the body. Of course, we pray and worship together during Sunday mass as a community, … [Read more...]
That’s How I Tick – and Why are You Completely Different?
People are different! They sometimes make different choices in the same situation. They can experience the same situation in different ways. They often learn, think, and feel … [Read more...]
Finding God through the Twelve Levels of Silence
Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips - Psalm 141:3 In modern times, when we're not living in isolation, we usually are experiencing … [Read more...]
5 tips to survive Valentine’s Day
It is said that Saint Valentine risked his life to officiate at Christian marriages, despite the ban imposed by Emperor Claudius. Like Valentine, the couples were also in … [Read more...]
Trio of freedom – love – happiness
A contribution from Dr. Martin Kugler based on a lecture by Prior P. Johannes Elias Schneider. Our modern age is characterized by the desire not to be restricted: not by … [Read more...]
Rejected in Love – What Now?
Are you madly in love with someone, would do anything for him/her, and you're ready to give everything - but your love is not returned? Are you familiar with this scenario? … [Read more...]
Saint Mother Teresa – Role Model of Real Love
“There are many people in the world who are hungry for a piece of bread, but even more who are hungry for a little love.” The longing for love is one of the greatest … [Read more...]
I didn’t fall in love with my wife
From Matt Walsh: "No wonder we're so bad at marriage: we don't understand love!" It's no surprise that we are so bad at marriage in this culture. We're bad at it because … [Read more...]